Planning to travel down to KL this afternoon. Kena start balik routine weekend husband lah. Tomorrow kerja one day in KL and then drive back to Kerteh after work. It's tiring but I really want to maximise time with my family and ensure that I don't miss too much of my children's growing up process. Most people kind of thought it's too far for me to drive to and fro each week but if it has to be done, then I have to do it. Awi is doing a lot looking after 2 children on her own for most of the time, I must do something as well, being the father. Also, don't want Hana not to recognise her own father, right? It's to devastating.
Anyway, the bag's all packed and I hope to get to work early tomorrow and do as much as possible within that one day. The project is at a crucial stage at the moment and there's a snag due to missing key information. Hope we can sort it all out tomorrow of find a solution to the problem.