I'm still in my new office (read: KIPC Data Centre) which is freezing cold. I'm just hanging around while the security system server is being configured. It crashed a few days, it's 4 GB hard disk space just couldn't cope with us being here. Hehehehehe. Actually, it's part of the handover process from the guy who is actually doing the work tonight.
I know Haziq will already be sleeping once I got home. I'll miss carrying him around the house like I usually do after coming home. So, I only got to spend a few minutes this morning with him and it kind of sucks that I couldn't spend more time. Hmmm, biasalah kot, being a father to have these sort of feelings. Hope Awi won't suddenly get jealous sudah lah. :)
It's almost 10 pm and I hope the work will complete soon so that I can go home, have dinner, watch some TV, sleep and wake up to play with Haziq tomorrow morning!!