My younger brother Cu is here in town. It's the second time he's been here, the first visit was about 8 months ago, Haziq was not even born yet. He just finished his semester exams so he wanted to do some traveling and chose to travel along the East Coast. He's here for a few days before going up to Kuala Terengganu to visit the relatives there and finally, he'll be in Kota Bharu where he'll meet up with my parents there before returning to KL.
Me and Cu have a rather interesting relationship. I have another younger brother, Ucop who is 12 years apart from me. Cu is 8 years younger. I still remember when I was in secondary school I used to be annoyed with Cu all the time. At that age of around 8 years old, he liked to brag and talk big. I suppose I took up a bit on him, bullying and being quite nasty to him, like kicking him out of my room when I'm not in the mood. And then I went overseas and during that time, he got into Malay College. Another reason for me to be annoyed with him because he made it into that school, while I considered myself a failure for not being able to do so. I used to believe that Abah was disappointed that I didn't get into his alma mater but over the years, Allah knew better and I ended up on a not-so-bad path.
During my university days when I came back for summer holidays, we meet up once in a while and I realised that my attitude towards Cu had changed for the better. We could talk more openly and I don't feel any hostility towards him anymore. I suppose there could've been some siblings rivalry back then but I can safely say that we're the best of brothers and friends. I try to give him encouragement and support because I can see there's a lot of potential within himself, even if he might not see them himself. We're quite different, he's more talkative and I'm the more quiet one. He has scores of friends while I stick to a handful only. He's the joker while I prefer to be the man behind the scenes. Nevertheless, Cu has helped me in many ways and I only pray success and happiness for him. He went through quite a lot in the past two years or so. I hope he's recovered since then and he seems to be, from what I can observed. I would've liked to spend more time with my siblings because I felt, while studying overseas, I missed out on many opportunities to do so. The trip to Adelaide in Dec 2001 was such an excellent and enjoyable experience, even though it ended with Cu spending a few nights in Pantai Medical Centre. :)
Whatever it is Cu, if you're reading this, thank you for being there and I hope we will continue to be best of brothers and friends in the years to come.