We're supposed to be on our way to Kerteh at the moment but our plans just went haywired. It all started on Christmas Eve, when I went to bed early, around 8.30 because we want to start journey to Bidor at around 3 am. I felt kind of weird around my legs and arms, like lenguh2 after a few hours inside the gym. Didn't think much about it but along the way, while driving, I started feeling discomfort. My head was feeling heavy and I was a bit flushed around the face. I dreaded that a fever is falling upon me. We reached Bidor at 11.15 am and I went straight to bed. Didn't help much until I swallowed two pills of Panadol. A sweat broke and the head didn't feel that heavy anymore. Come night, the same discomfort is felt again, took Panadol some more and in the morning, I felt better. Oh yes, the reason we were in Bidor is because Awi's sister, Nyah will be performing the Haj this year with her husband, Abang Ngah. And Awi's parents will be 'babysitting' their 5 children in Kangar. As we couldn't send them to the the airport, up until Bidor just have to suffice lah.
Yesterday afternoon, we then drove to KL, bound for Bangsar. Have to mention this here. We didn't tell anyone except Ucop that we'll be in KL. So, once reached home, Mak & Cu were pleasantly surprised while Adiknor and Abah were equally as well. It's proven that Ucop can definitely keep a secret from everyone!! That night, we went to majlis tahlil of my grand anutie who died last Saturday. It was the seventh night of tahlil so I was happy to be able to make it. During the night, I started feeling the same discomfort, swallowed a couple more Panadol, and the fever subsided.
Throughout the night, I was feeling unwell and this morning, I decided to go and see the doctor for medication. I wanted to get MC because I don't think I'm in the best condition to drive all the way to Kerteh later during the day. He didn't want to give me the MC saying I should get better by today. During Adiknor's birthday lunch, I began to feel pain in my limbs and it was getting so cold. My body temperature shot up to 40 degrees Celcius. I put myself under blanket to sweat it out but I was unsuccessful. Hence, I made the decision to stay put in KL and either get MC or unpaid leave tomorrow since I don't have any leave left.
I still feel shitty, my head is pounding and I feel weak all over. I really dread driving home tomorrow but I guess I have to do it nevertheless. Another reason why I want to move to KL as soon as possible. All these travelling will worsen me sooner or later. :)