Saturday, December 06, 2003

Rejuvenated in KL

I haven't been sleeping much the last two night. I came down to KL on Thursday evening to attend a cousin's wedding on Friday & Saturday. As I've mentioned before, I feel as though I don't need sleep because it's just refreshing and energetic to be here in my hometown city. I suppose it is true when people say, absence makes the heart grows fonder. I left KL when I was barely out of high school, headed to the UK for A-levels and university. I came back every year during the summer break but I guess it's not the same when you're working compared to when you're studying. There's more opportunity to do things and experience stuff here if you've started working. Lately, I've been contemplating to come back to KL for good. I think it's the best option even though Awi likes to be in Kerteh as she's been comfortable lliving in the house I bought. There are some good things about being in a quiet place like Kerteh but if we have to travel down to KL and Bidor every other month, it kinds of wearies the body and mind. The couple of accidents I encountered recently sort of heightened this line of thinking in my head. Awi advised me to sembahyang istikharah, to seek guidance from Allah, which I will of course. It is a big move and I need to think about Awi as well, as she needs to be get a transfer to KL together with me. There are a thousand things to be done but I believe it is something which we have to do because in the end, I just don't see myself settling down anywhere else.

Of main priority is to find a job in KL. And then for Awi's transfer as well. Then, a place to live, moving stuff down here (which I truly dread!!) but if I don't declare it someplace, then I won't have the commitment to achieve it. So, Insyallah and Good willing, we will try to find a way to get to KL within the next year or so.