Innggerland!! Innggerland! Innggerland! Better get that out of the system first. For those who are unaware, England just qualified into the final of the Rugby World Cup 2003 in Australia. They will play the host sometime next week. Hehehe, talk about being a true fan, can't even remember the date of the final match.
It's Sunday again and over here we work on the weekend. It's the practice since a long time ago because it is encouraged for Muslims to 'beribadat' on Fridays as it is the holiest among the days in a week. However, other places in Malaysia doesn't practice, except for 2 other states. So, we're stuck with it, but as the saying goes, "When in Rome, you act like a Roman".
I look forward to Sundays because Smallville comes on air tonight. Not many of my friends watch it but I know a few who followed it like loyally, like my brother Cu. We can even have an intellectual discussion on a particular episode, we're that big a fan. (To view pic of Cu, do visit my photoblog). Anyway, one thing that I like about the series is, besides for Kristin Kreuk's deep eyes, is the relationship between young Clark Kent and the elusive Lana Lang. It's the sort of cat and mouse game between a boy and girl who know that they like each other very much but just couldn't take that one step towards expressing their feelings to one another. I'm sure many people had gone through such an experience.
I, myself had been in those situations myself. The normal procedure for a relationship to blossom is boy meets girl, they get to know each other formally. After that, they get closer and the getting to know becomes more personal. They might spend more time with each other and in today's world, it could be in virtual space and real space. Feelings start to develop but neither are willing to tell the other person, afraid of rejection. Nobody likes to be rejected or unwanted. So, sometimes lost opportunity will not come by again anymore. This could go on and on forever, until someone takes a deep breath and just tell the truth about his or her feelings. And if the other party expresses the same, Wow, the excitement just cannot be described in words. It is the best feeling and having gone through those experiences before, I have to say that one of the best part, is when you're uncertain or not sure whether the other person likes you back or not. You might call her at night to bid her goodnight or have a chat in the middle of the night under the stars. Maybe, there's the customary daily good morning wish to one another via email. I tell you, this part is one which I really enjoyed. Not that I want to do it all over again, once is enough I suppose but watching Clark and Lana play the same game week in week out, just makes my heart light all over again.