Monday, November 10, 2003

Safety Culture

Pheww!! Just got Haziq to sleep on my second attempt tonight. He's a bit grumpy just now, most probably because he was coughing rather badly and that kind of disrupted his slumber. I gave him his medicine as well and boy did he hate it. He just screamed at the top of his lungs and for such a small person, he sure has a loud volume to turn on to. Hopefully, he will sleep better tonight.

Today I attended a safety reinduction program at the company. It's a compulsary thing for all of us and we need to attend it if we don't want to be interrogated by one of the GMs. Anyway, safety is a very important thing for us, as it should rightly be. Not just at the workplace, also on the road, at our homes and wherever we are. By right it should be a culture for us and we don't have to think about doing it, instead it should be second nature to us, like walking and breathing. It doesn't matter if you work on an oil rig or office room, accidents could happen to anyone at anytime. So, we just have to be aware and alert at all times.

During the training session, we were shown a video called Remember Charlie. It is a safety lecture by this one Charlie Morecraft who survived a horrendous chemical accident when he inflicted 50% burns on his body. He recalled in great detail how painful the treatment that he had to undergo and how at times he just wanted to die. The moral of the story is that we must not end up like Charlie and it is really a choice for us to make. You see, Charlie never really cared about his safety while working in a refinery in the US because he always believed that accidents always occur to the other person, it will never happen to him. Sometimes, we think that we are invincible and in fact, no one can avoid getting into accidents if he doesn't access and manage the risks that he would face.

I just had a close call a few days ago and this story kind of struck home with me. While driving on the road, if you are sleepy or tired, it is your choice to either push on or stop and rest until you are fresh enough to ride. Or while travelling with babies, you have the choice to either put him or her secured to a baby seat or hold him/her in your arms. It is all about choice and if you are not careful, that decision could haunt you for the rest of your lives.